AC Comfort Blog: Archive for August, 2018

“Uh, Should There Be Ice on My Air Conditioning?”

Monday, August 27th, 2018

frozen-acNo, there should not. Call us for air conditioning repairs in Katy, TX!

Oh, you’re still here? I hope you already called us—we should be there soon to fix what’s wrong with your air conditioner. We may even save you from having to replace it prematurely.

But since we’ve got you here, we can entertain you as you wait with an explanation of why ice on the AC is a Bad Thing.

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As the Heat Goes Up, Don’t Crank the Thermostat Down!

Monday, August 13th, 2018

setting-thermostatIt’s hot here in Texas this August! It’s been a hot summer in general, and you’ve probably gotten a huge amount of work out of your air conditioning system already this year. With the outdoor thermometer soaring into the red, how are you coping with it inside your home?

If your answer is “I keep turning the thermostat down lower and lower,” you’re actually wasting money and putting more stress on your air conditioning system while not receiving any better comfort. We know how tempting it is to drop the thermostat’s setting to 60°F (often the lowest setting) on a roasting hot day. But there are some serious problems with this.

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