AC Comfort Blog: Archive for July, 2022

Is There Ice on Your AC? Here’s What Is Wrong

Monday, July 18th, 2022

ice-on-an-acWe’re glad that you recognize something isn’t right with your home’s air conditioning system if you’ve noticed ice forming on it. A common misconception people have about ice on an AC is that it means the cooling system is working really well—so well that it’s creating ice. Or they may think the air conditioner uses ice to cool the air.

An air conditioning system doesn’t use ice to operate. It takes a large amount of energy to create ice (such as in your freezer), much more than would make it worthwhile as a home cooling option. An AC that’s working well will also not generate ice. An AC isn’t “creating” cold but removing heat, and when the air conditioner is working as it should, it won’t cause ice to form.

So what’s actually going on? There are several reasons to see ice developing on the AC.

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The Sounds You SHOULD Hear From Your AC

Monday, July 4th, 2022

woman-relaxingA common topic about air conditioners is the odd noises that warn of something wrong that may require repairs or basic troubleshooting. We’ve mentioned AC warning noises in several of our blogs.

What’s not talked about as often are the sounds an AC normally makes. These are the sounds you should expect to hear from your air conditioner as it operates. We’ve decided to make this post to tell you what you want to hear from your AC. This will make it easier to put strange noises in context—you’ll have a better idea what constitutes a warning sound.

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