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Serving Katy, TX and the Surrounding Areas
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How Much Cooling Can Your AC Do?

blown-awayIt gets hot in this part of Texas during the summer. Our average high in July and August is 94°F, and we all know it can get even hotter. This level of heat puts stress on our home air conditioning systems, and we can expect them to run on most days throughout summer.

This brings up something important about air conditioners: just how much cooling can they deliver to a house? Is your air conditioning system enough to beat the Texas heat during a summer day? How far can you push it?

We’ll answer these questions below, since they’ll help you know the best way to run your AC during another summer scorcher.

The Right-Sized AC Can Do the Job

Let’s start with the question about whether your AC can help your house beat the heat. The answer is “yes,” provided the system was given a professional installation from technicians who took the time to accurately size the new unit. This is something our technicians take seriously, because they know that correct sizing is critical for an air conditioner to take care of a house.

If you have a correctly sized AC for your home, you can expect it will provide your household with the level of cooling you need to stay safe and comfortable throughout the summer. 

But there’s one bit of caution we need to put in here… 

The AC Does Have Limits: The Temperature Differential

How far can you push your AC? The best answer is that you shouldn’t push your air conditioner, since that will lead to higher bills and a system that wears down rapidly, even to the point of failure. The limit you need to know when it comes to your air conditioner is the temperature differential, which is how much an AC can lower the temperature of the indoor air compared to the temperature of the outdoor air. 

The temperature differential for a residential central AC is 20°F. When you look at the thermostat settings, you’ll notice the temperature can be set as low as 60°F or 65°F—but that doesn’t mean the AC can always reach those settings. (And those temperatures are both far too cold for comfort anyway.) The air conditioner is limited to a 20° difference from outdoors. 

For example, let’s take that 94°F average July high. How cool can the AC make your house when it’s 94°F outside? Apply the 20° temperature differential and you have your answer: 74°F. And that’s good news because the recommended energy-saving temperature for a house during the day when people are home is 78°F. Your AC can ably handle the standard heat. 

If the temperature rises to 100°F, you probably won’t harm your AC if you keep the thermostat at around 78°F, although the system will definitely run longer and longer. You may wish to nudge up the setting to 80°F to help conserve energy on those hot days and make the best use of fans and other ways to help cool off. 

If you need air conditioning service in Sugar Land, TX because your AC can’t keep up with the heat no matter what, call our team and we’ll find out what work you need.

At AC Comfort, Your Comfort Is Our Business! Schedule AC service today.

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