AC Comfort Blog: Archive for November, 2021

Should I Worry That a Gas Furnace Will Dry Out My Home’s Air?

Monday, November 15th, 2021

natural-gas-furnaceYou may have heard that a drawback of gas furnaces is they tend to make the air in a house drier. Is this true, and is it something you need to consider when thinking about replacing your current furnace?

The answer is a bit complicated. The short version, if you don’t want to hang around for the longer explanation, is that older types of gas furnaces can contribute to drier indoor air (although they do not directly dry the air) while newer ones do not. If you’re looking to have a new gas furnace installed, our technicians offer the quality furnace service in Houston, TX that will ensure you have the right unit for your needs. If dry air is still a problem in your home, regardless of the type of furnace you have, we can help with installing a whole-house humidifier.

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November Is Heating Maintenance Month in Texas!

Monday, November 1st, 2021

furnace-repair-technicianPeople who don’t live in Texas may imagine that it always stays warm here, even during winter. But although we may not experience as consistently cold winters as more northern states, we’ve occasionally had periods of extreme cold sweep through. It’s important for us to remember to keep our heating systems in good shape, because when we need them, we really need them.

This is why we’re glad to announce that November is Heating Maintenance Month for Texas. No, not an official designation—but we want to make sure our customers know how important this service is, and that November is a great time to have it done.

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