AC Comfort Blog: Archive for February, 2022

Why You Should Still Take Care of Heating Repairs at the End of Winter

Monday, February 28th, 2022

dog-under-the-blanketWe’ve gone through some colder spells recently along with rain, but with the calendar turning over to March, we can see the end of the winter ahead. Winter is not usually rough for us here in Katy (with some major exceptions), and you’ll probably be ready to switch to a “summer weather” mentality by the end of March.

However, that doesn’t mean you should entirely forget about your home’s heating system even as you begin to use it less. If you notice problems with your heating system, we urge you to call for professional heating repair in Katy, TX as soon as you can. Please don’t delay with those repairs because the winter’s almost over and you don’t think you’ll need to worry about the heater. Here are the benefits of acting soon when it comes to getting your heater fixed, no matter the month:

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The Safeguards That Help Keep Your Furnace Running Safely

Monday, February 14th, 2022

inside-gas-furnaceGas furnaces are the heating systems most commonly found in homes. They’re powerful and energy efficient—and they’re also relatively safe to run. Homeowners are sometimes nervous about using natural gas because any gas appliance can potentially create hazards from combustion and the exhaust of toxic gases like carbon monoxide. A gas furnace can become hazardous if its routine maintenance is neglected or if it doesn’t receive prompt repairs as necessary. But if you take good care of your home’s gas furnace, you shouldn’t need to worry about it becoming dangerous.

The reason we can say this is because modern gas furnaces have special safety features designed into them. To help you understand how your own furnace keeps you and your family safe, we’re going to look at some of these safety components.

If you ever have concerns about the safe operation of your furnace, call us for furnace repair in Katy, TX. We’ll make sure you can enjoy your furnace in peace.

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