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Serving Katy, TX and the Surrounding Areas

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Serving Katy, TX and the Surrounding Areas
Family Owned and Operated

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March Is a Great Time for AC Maintenance

air-conditioner-on-leavesIn some parts of the country, air conditioners go on long vacations during the winter. There are distinct seasons for air conditioning, and AC owners usually prepare their cooling systems for the summer weather with a professional spring tune-up. Or at least they should; any quality HVAC contractor recommends it and offers a regular maintenance program to make it easier for customers.

Here in Texas, air conditioning doesn’t have a “season.” It gets used more often at some points of the year, less in others—but it’s necessary almost every month. When is the best time to schedule regular maintenance? It’s not much different from any other place: spring is the ideal time, and you might as well take advantage of March to call an HVAC contractor in Houston, TX to schedule your annual AC maintenance.

Why March Is an Ideal Maintenance Month

March falls at the right time. The extreme heat of the middle of the year hasn’t arrived yet, so maintenance will get the air conditioner prepped in time for the heavy work. But March is also close enough to the hot weather to make maintenance more effective. It’s always best to have an appliance maintained right before it’s needed the most; March puts you near to summer weather while still having a cushion so you can get any extra repairs the AC may need.

This is also a month where HVAC technicians have a bit more time on their schedules to take on maintenance. March weather is rarely extreme, although it can be surprising. Emergencies for heating and cooling are uncommon, so contractors like us can put more focus on maintenance and installation work. If you schedule maintenance in March, you shouldn’t have trouble finding a convenient date for it.

Yes, You AC Absolutely Needs This Service

We mentioned that AC owners should schedule cooling system maintenance each spring. Unfortunately, many don’t. They may just forget they need it done, or they don’t think it’s too important. More a luxury. But it’s really a necessity. Here in Texas, regular maintenance is urgent because local air conditioners handle a massive workload each year: blistering hot, long summers, and warm weather throughout the year. No winter vacations!

The stress on an air conditioner in Texas accumulates fast, and only regular maintenance can keep it from overwhelming the system and leading to breakdowns or lesser repairs. You want to head into the summer heat without worries your cooling system will conk out on you during a 100°F day—and maintenance gives you this peace of mind.

We Offer Maintenance, Made Easy

You can sign up for our Safety and Efficiency Club to make caring for your household’s AC easier. When you join, you’ll receive the required maintenance for your HVAC system each year. You don’t have to worry about forgetting the schedule it—we’ll call you to arrange for the maintenance each spring. You’ll also receive several membership perks, such as a discount on repairs and priority customer service in case of emergencies.

At AC Comfort, we believe comfort can cost less—call us today to see how!

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