AC Comfort Blog: Archive for September, 2021

Warning Signs You Have a Dying AC at the End of Summer

Monday, September 20th, 2021

air-conditioner-with-dirty-coilsThe end of summer doesn’t mean the end of the heat here in Texas. We depend on air conditioners for most of the year, and heat can strike at almost any time. We need to take extra precautions with our residential air conditioning systems so they’re ready to work at a moment’s notice. We need to know when to call for air conditioning repair in Cypress, TX—and also when we’ve got an air conditioning system that’s beyond repairs.

You may be in the latter situation: an air conditioner that’s dying and may not make it to next year, let alone next summer. Hopefully, you can identify a failing AC before it fully breaks down, and in this post we’ll walk you through some of the major warning signs it’s time for an AC replacement.

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Did You Forget AC Maintenance Before Summer? You Still Need to Schedule It!‏

Monday, September 6th, 2021

AC-technician-washing-condenserYour AC does the job of keeping you comfortable in your home. However, to fully rely on it you need to ensure you stay current with its maintenance needs.

Most people schedule AC maintenance just before summer. However, if you forget, it doesn’t mean you should wait another year to have your AC tuned up and inspected. You need AC maintenance every year for you to fully enjoy its benefits.

Here are the major benefits of regular AC maintenance.

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