AC Comfort Blog: Archive for the ‘Heat Pumps’ Category

How to Understand Heat Pump Efficiency Ratings

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Choosing the right heat pump for your home can be daunting, especially when faced with efficiency ratings and technical jargon. We’re here to demystify these terms and help you make an informed decision. In this post, we’ll explain two critical efficiency ratings: SEER2 and HSPF2, and why consulting with a professional is crucial before making a purchase. You can rely on us for all your heat Pump services in Cypress, TX.

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How to Know If It’s Time to Replace That Heat Pump or Not

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Heat pumps are great for our weather. We can rely on them to cool us down through our long hot season, and when we need heat for our brief winters, heat pumps also come through—and they cost less to run than a furnace. All around, heat pumps are one of the best home comfort systems available.

All that work comes at price, of course, which is that a heat pump will eventually wear down to the point where it needs to be replaced. With regular maintenance (done twice a year), you can expect to get a long service life from your heat pump. But at what point will you know it’s time to contact us to schedule a heat pump replacement in Cypress, TX? We’ll help with some important information about how to tell you’ve got a heat pump that’s on its way out.

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How Heat Pumps Are Better Than Furnaces (and Where They Fall Short)

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Heat pumps are an excellent option for replacing a furnace, especially in our region. There are many ways that a heat pump is better than a furnace but the systems also have their shortcomings. If you are interested in heat pump installation in Houston, TX give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment.

We can talk to you about your options between both heat pumps and furnaces. Then we can find out what you hope to get out of a heating system. Is consistent comfort a major concern or are you more interested in energy efficiency? The good news is, you don’t have to choose or make sacrifices. Keep reading to learn how our team can help you choose a heater that meets all of your needs and exceeds your expectations. 

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Here Are Some Common Repairs Your Heat Pump May Need

Monday, September 25th, 2023

A heat pump is a fantastic HVAC system that offers a lot of benefits. But even the best heat pumps have problems here and there. The best way to stay ahead of heat pump issues is to know what signs to look for that something is wrong. 

Then you can give him a call to schedule a heat pump repair in Katy, TX before your heat pump stops working completely due to an issue. You can keep reading to learn more about the most common heat pump repairs that we see in the area and the signs of each one.

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Is a Heat Pump as Effective as an AC for Cooling?

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Heat pumps are an increasingly popular choice among homeowners as a trusted solution for residential heating and cooling. If you are interested in heat pump replacement in Katy, TX, our team is here to help. You can give us a call for your in-home heat pump assessment and we can answer any questions that you have about these particular systems.

You may decide to go with a different type of air conditioner, and if you do our team can still help. While a heat pump is an excellent choice, it may not be what you want. You deserve an AC solution that you feel confident with, no matter what it is. If you’re not familiar with how heat pumps work, you can keep reading to learn more about the many benefits they offer and how they operate. 

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Why Your Heat Pump Isn’t Switching to Heat Mode

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Many homeowners love heat pump systems because they are so versatile. They can provide either heating or cooling, making them an ideal all-in-one system. But sometimes a heat pump can struggle when it’s time to switch between cooling mode and heating mode.

When this happens, you may be wondering what’s wrong – and if it’s a major problem that’s going to cost a lot of money. You may even be tempted to search online for a DIY solution, but fixing it yourself can do more harm than good. 

If you need heat pump repair in Katy, TX our team is here to help. Keep reading to learn more about why your heat pump may be struggling to switch over to heating mode. Then give our team a call to assess your heat pump system and offer a solution. Don’t ignore the problem if your heat pump isn’t switching to heat mode. You want to fix any heat pump problems sooner rather than later or the problem will only worsen.

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Understanding Heat Pump Efficiency Ratings If You Want to Replace Your AC With One

Monday, April 25th, 2022

Spring is the prime season to get a new AC installation in Katy, TX if your current AC looks to be coming to the end of the line. You don’t want to get caught with a failing air conditioner when the first major heat waves of summer arrive, so if you think you need a replacement, call our technicians as soon as you can and schedule an appointment. We’ll help determine if your AC is ready to go, and if it is, we’ll get a new one installed for you far in advance of the summer.

But maybe this is the year you decide you want to replace both your AC and heater and put in a heat pump. A heat pump is similar to an air conditioner, but it does the job of both heating and cooling. We often recommend heat pumps to our customers, and we’ll gladly assist you with making the choice. 

One important difference between ACs and heat pumps is their efficiency ratings. You’ll notice that they have three efficiency ratings, whereas air conditioners have two. We’ll talk about what these heat pump efficiency ratings mean.

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Is This the Spring You Replace Your AC With a Heat Pump?

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

trane-heat-pumpYou’re making plans for the coming summer, which will be another scorcher. You have an older air conditioning system and you think it’s time to replace it. This brings up a thought you’ve had before: why not replace the air conditioning system with a heat pump? Heat pumps are similar to air conditioners—they do the same job of cooling—but they can change the direction they work to provide heat as well. 

It’s an idea worth considering, even if you ultimately decide the best choice is an AC installation in Katy, TX. If a heat pump is right for your house and situation, it can be an immensely beneficial and energy-saving investment.

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Does a Heat Pump Work Differently in Its Two Modes?

Monday, June 17th, 2019

sun-and-snowflake-badgeHeat pumps are a popular option for home comfort here in Katy because they are ideally suited to our climate: hot weather during most of the year with a short, cool winter. A heat pump works as both an air conditioner and heater, able to switch between the two modes with only an adjustment on the thermostat. During hot weather, a heat pump is as powerful as an air conditioner of the same cooling tonnage. During colder weather, a heat pump delivers heat at lower cost than using an electric furnace.

But how does a heat pump do both jobs? Does it switch between different operations when it goes from one mode to the other?

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Heat Pump Problems: Not Enough Heat?

Monday, January 14th, 2019

cold-sweater-manWe often talk up the heat pump because not enough people know about how beneficial these systems are in a climate like the one we enjoy. As an alternative to the standard “AC and electric furnace” setup many homes in Katy and the surrounding areas have, the heat pump is excellent. Replace the old furnace and air conditioner combo with a system that provides great cooling and energy-efficient heating when needed.

But what if you have a heat pump that isn’t providing the heat you need? Or maybe not providing any heat at all? When you make the switch on the heat pump from cooling mode (where it will be for most of the year) to heating mode, you might find yourself in this position. Let’s take a look at where the problem may lie.

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