AC Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Houston’

October Is Not the Time to Ignore AC Malfunctions!

Monday, October 5th, 2020

air-conditioning-with-flowersWe all have in our heads an ideal version of what “October” looks like. It’s filled with autumn colors and crisp leaves and pumpkins and a slight chill to the dry air. People have this idealized October in their minds wherever they live, even if the world outside their windows never looks like it. And here in Texas, we don’t necessarily get a cool, crisp October. In fact, plenty of October days can feel close to summer days, with regular temperatures in the 80s.

This is one of the reasons that now isn’t the time to let any air conditioning repair in Houston, TX slip away. Your AC has just done a hard summer of work as it fought against extreme temperatures to keep the inside of your house comfortable. All that stress can lead to malfunctions, and if you ignore them because it’s fall and you’re hoping you won’t need the AC as much—you’re headed for trouble.

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Ductless AC Can Work With a Central AC—It’s Not All-or-Nothing!

Monday, August 24th, 2020

ductless-system-with-technicianWe offer services for a wide range of types of air conditioning in Houston, TX. For example, we install and service ductless mini split systems, which offer houses both cooling and heating without the need for an inch of ductwork.

One of the best reasons to have a ductless AC installed is because you live in an older house that wasn’t originally constructed for central cooling and has no ductwork to hook a split system air conditioner to. If you’re planning to build a house and don’t want to deal with pesky ducts, you can design with a ductless system in mind.

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Thinking About an Evaporative Cooler? Here’s What You Need to Know

Monday, July 27th, 2020

waterYou may have heard about evaporative coolers as an alternative to using a conventional central air conditioning system. Evaporative coolers are popular now as small, portable units people purchase to sit on a desk and give a bit of extra cooling. But evaporative cooling is available as a way of air conditioning an entire house through a ductwork system. Using an evaporative cooler (also called a swamp cooler) offers a number of potential benefits to a home.

However, before you decide you’re going to replace your old AC with a swamp cooler, there are some basics you’ll need to know. Evaporative coolers are not ideal for all homes!

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Why Doesn’t the AC Respond to the Thermostat?

Monday, June 29th, 2020

setting-thermostatThis is frustrating. The heat is rising outside, and you need your house cooled down. You go to the thermostat, make whatever adjustments are needed to get the air conditioner running—and then nothing happens. Or whatever happens doesn’t result in the comfortable house you expected.

The unresponsive thermostat often requires calling for AC repair in Houston, TX. Even the most basic manual slider thermostats cannot be repaired with DIY techniques or amateur tinkering. It’s not only that thermostats are too complicated to fix; it’s that the problem may not actually be the thermostat but located elsewhere in the HVAC system. A huge part of professional air conditioning repair is diagnosing what’s wrong—and you can’t get that from amateurs or a “do-it-yourself” YouTube video.

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Uneven Temperatures in Your Home? Let’s Find Out Why

Monday, December 16th, 2019

airflow-diagramWhen you turn on your heating system during the winter, you expect to have an even distribution of warmth. Professionally installed HVAC systems are designed to avoid hot and cold spots around the house. There will always be some differences, such as rooms upstairs that are harder to ventilate.

But if you’re experiencing more serious temperature differences, it’s a good idea to look into it. The problem may be one that requires a Houston, TX, HVAC contractor to correct.

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March Is a Great Time for AC Maintenance

Monday, February 25th, 2019

air-conditioner-on-leavesIn some parts of the country, air conditioners go on long vacations during the winter. There are distinct seasons for air conditioning, and AC owners usually prepare their cooling systems for the summer weather with a professional spring tune-up. Or at least they should; any quality HVAC contractor recommends it and offers a regular maintenance program to make it easier for customers.

Here in Texas, air conditioning doesn’t have a “season.” It gets used more often at some points of the year, less in others—but it’s necessary almost every month. When is the best time to schedule regular maintenance? It’s not much different from any other place: spring is the ideal time, and you might as well take advantage of March to call an HVAC contractor in Houston, TX to schedule your annual AC maintenance.

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